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2016 MDASLA Awards

The intent of the Annual Maryland ASLA Awards Program is to encourage professional excellence in Maryland and the Washington Metropolitan Area by recognizing significant completed as well as un‐built Landscape Architectural projects. The objective is to bring public attention to the outstanding services of landscape architects by honoring them with professional awards for projects that demonstrate a superior quality of design and execution.

Lifetime Achievement Award

This award was created to recognize outstanding contributions to the field of landscape architecture by our members.  They can be for lifetime achievement, service, knowledge, research or any other related subject the MDASLA executive committee chooses to honor.

John Slater

Lifetime Achievement

Spencer Ellis Award

The Maryland Chapter of the American Society of Landscape Architects established the Spencer Ellis Award to honor the service of Spencer P. Ellis to the environment. His career in landscape architecture included work at the Dept. of Natural Resources, Md. State Forests and Parks, the Federal Land and Water Conservation Fund, and, important to today's occasion, Program Open Space.  The award is given annually to a program or organization that has made a significant contribution to the preservation ​and conservation of the local environment in Maryland.

Partners for Open Space

Spencer Ellis Award

General Design

Recognizes site specific works of landscape architecture or urban design. Professional entries in this category must be built. 


Fenwick Station

Silver Spring, Maryland

Hord Coplan Macht

Presidential Award of Excellence

Submission Documents
ICC-B Planting 4_reduced
Landscape Graphic 02 11 2016

The Intercounty Connector

Montgomery County, Maryland

Floura Teeter Landscape Architects

Honor Award

Submission Documents

Kaufman Cancer Center Healing Gardens

Bel Air, Maryland

Mahan Rykiel Associates

Honor Award​

Submission Documents
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East Norbeck Local Park

Norbeck, Maryland

Hord Coplan Macht

Merit Award​

Submission Documents

Fort Totten Square

Washington, D.C.

ParkerRodriguez, Inc.

Merit Award​

Submission Documents

McHenry Row II: From Coke to Crabs to 21st Century Technology

Baltimore, Maryland

Hord Coplan Macht

Merit Award​

Submission Documents
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Modera Mosaic

Merrifield, Virginia

ParkerRodriguez, Inc.

Merit Award​

Submission Documents
Shelley Rentsch - 3  Germantown Park Eye Lids
Shelley Rentsch - 5  Germantown Park bike trail with custom railings
Shelley Rentsch - 1 Germantown Park bold graphic paving for urban edge
Shelley Rentsch - 4  Germantown Park wetland and canted slope
Shelley Rentsch - 2 Germantown Park Serpentine Walk
Shelley Rentsch - 8  Germantown Park sculpture by David Hess
Shelley Rentsch - 6  Germantown Park custom galvanized railings with night lighting

The Park at Rosemont

Rosemont, Illinois

Design Collective

Merit Award​

Submission Documents
Shelley Rentsch - 3  Germantown Park Eye Lids
Shelley Rentsch - 5  Germantown Park bike trail with custom railings
Shelley Rentsch - 1 Germantown Park bold graphic paving for urban edge
Shelley Rentsch - 4  Germantown Park wetland and canted slope
Shelley Rentsch - 2 Germantown Park Serpentine Walk
Shelley Rentsch - 8  Germantown Park sculpture by David Hess
Shelley Rentsch - 6  Germantown Park custom galvanized railings with night lighting
Shelley Rentsch - 3  Germantown Park Eye Lids
Shelley Rentsch - 5  Germantown Park bike trail with custom railings
Shelley Rentsch - 1 Germantown Park bold graphic paving for urban edge
Shelley Rentsch - 4  Germantown Park wetland and canted slope
Shelley Rentsch - 2 Germantown Park Serpentine Walk
Shelley Rentsch - 8  Germantown Park sculpture by David Hess
Shelley Rentsch - 6  Germantown Park custom galvanized railings with night lighting

Rutgers University - Livingston Campus

New Brunswick, New Jersey

Design Collective + Biohabitats

Merit Award

Submission Documents

West Covington Park

Baltimore, Maryland

Ayers Saint Gross

Merit Award​

Submission Documents

Residential Design

Recognizes site-specific works of landscape architecture or urban design. Professional entries in this category must be built. 

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Harness Creek

Annapolis, Maryland

Campion Hruby Landscape Architects

Honor Award

Submission Documents

Osprey Point

Annapolis, Maryland

Campion Hruby Landscape Architects

Honor Award​

Submission Documents
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Five Peaks

Annapolis, Maryland

Campion Hruby Landscape Architects

Merit Award​

Submission Documents

Un-Built Design

Recognizes site-specific works of landscape architecture or urban design. Professional entries in this category must be built. 

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Congress Heights Park

Washington D.C.

LSG Landscape Architects

Honor Award​

Submission Documents


Recognizes site-specific works of landscape architecture or urban design. Professional entries in this category must be built. 


Green Tracks Study

Baltimore, Maryland

Mahan Rykiel Associates

Traveling Award for Innovative Excellence

Submission Documents

Analysis + Planning

Recognizes the wide variety of professional activities that lead to, guide, and evaluate landscape architecture design. Entries in this category are not required to be built or implemented

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South Wilmington Wetland Park

Wilmington, Delaware

Oasis Design Group

Honor Award​

Submission Documents
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